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Felder Pomus Entertainment
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'That Brief Moment' Is The Latest Film From Felder Pomus Entertainment...

To Find Out More...

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'That Brief Moment' Synopsis...

"Why can't I remember my childhood?  The time when everything was so,
simple..."  The questions and thoughts raced through his brain.  Never stopping...
No moments of rest...  No moments of peace...

At least the cigarettes helped...  Clarifying his ideas...  Adding perspective...
The cigarettes definitely helped...

Until tonight...

That Brief Moment...  That Moment of Mania...  Mesmerism...  Misfortune...
Or Something More...

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That Brief Moment Contact Information...

Geoffrey J Felder
Felder Pomus Entertainment
145 East 16th Street
Suite 8C
New York 10003-3427
212.674.9330  212.388.1312 (fax)

Brandi Savitt
Senza Pictures
The Film Collective
349 Broadway
Third Floor
New York 10013
212.334.3577  212.334.3565 (fax)

Doug Torres
302 East 92nd Street
Suite 2R
New York 10128
212.410.3778  917.204.3628 (cell)

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